Colombian armed conflict
Colombian armed conflict

Other verified violations included rape and sexual violence, which are generally underreported for fear of stigma, retaliation, and lack of survivor services. “Armed confrontations in areas where civilians and children are present should be planned and executed with the principles of distinction, proportionality and precautions and to ensure the protection of non-combatants”. “Additionally, all parties should take all necessary measures to protect children during military operations and activities, in line with international humanitarian law, in particular the principle of precaution”, said the Special Representative added. She called on armed groups to stop the use of indiscriminate explosive devices and encouraged the Government to scale up demining and mine-risk education activities across the country. Gamba emphasized that Colombia remains one of the countries most affected by explosive remnants of war. The killing and maiming of 118 children were also verified during the reporting period, due mainly to gunshot wounds, anti-personnel landmines, unexploded ordnance, and aerial attacks. She also reminded that boys and girls associated with armed groups and forces, should primarily be considered as victims.

colombian armed conflict colombian armed conflict

The Special Representative called on all armed groups to immediately stop recruiting and using children and to release those in their ranks, so they may return to their communities and participate in reintegration programmes. The most prominent violation, which impacted 220 children, saw them recruited and abused by armed groups, including dissident FARC-EP fighters, which were the main perpetrators, as well as the militant group Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN).Īlso concerning were the linkages between displacement and grave violations, especially child recruitment threats that forced families to move.

Colombian armed conflict